Solicitor Scarlett Wilson has devoted her life to protecting the people of South Carolina by aggressively and fairly prosecuting those who violate the law. Her mission is to provide members of our community with a safe place to live by protecting the innocent, holding the guilty accountable, and preserving the dignity of crime victims.
With integrity above reproach, Scarlett seeks justice through vigorous enforcement of the law in a reasonable, honest, and efficient manner. Her vision for the Solicitor’s Office is based on her many years of real experience that has made a real difference for the people of Berkeley and Charleston Counties:
In pursuit of this mission, my Team and I have resolved to:
GUARANTEE the rights of victims are upheld while treating all involved with dignity, respect, and compassion;
CONSCIENTIOUSLY seek to improve the criminal justice system;
MAINTAIN public confidence by creating an efficient and effective operation that collaborates with law enforcement and communicates with the community;
MARSHAL talents and resources to successfully prosecute criminal cases in a reasonable and responsible manner;
ASSEMBLE a prosecution team of character, courage, integrity, and skill who are committed to professional excellence, fairness to the accused, and respect for the court and opposing counsel;
PROMOTE an environment that is positive and courteous among employees and members of the public complete with compassion, trust, and mutual respect;
ENCOURAGE all employees to hone their skills and realize their full potential throughout their time in the office; and
ENSURE that all employees are fairly treated in matters affecting their jobs.